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2019 Speakers

"Stolen Jesus: Twenty-First Century Barbarism and the Demise of Democracy"

Dr. Peter McLarenDr. Peter McLaren
Distinguished Professor in Critical Studies at Chapman University, Co-Director of The Paulo Freire Democratic Project, and International Ambassador for Global Ethics and Social Justice

Professor McLaren is the author and editor of nearly 50 books and his writings have been translated into over 25 languages. Five of his books have won the Critic's Choice Award of the American Educational Studies Association. Professor McLaren's book, Life in Schools: An Introduction to Critical Pedagogy in the Foundations of Education (New York: Routledge), has been named one of the 12 most significant writings by foreign authors in the field of educational theory, policy and practice by the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences; the list includes Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire and Deschooling Society by Ivan Illich and books by Pierre Bourdieu and Howard Gardner. A scholar and activist whose written work and educational activism attempts to reflect the goals and educational practices developed by his mentor, Paulo Freire, Professor McLaren is a frequent international speaker whose work has a global reach.

"On Faith, Hope, and Love: Inspiration from Freire's Contribution in Challenging Times"

Dr. Daniel SchipaniDr. Daniel Schipani
Professor Emeritus of Pastoral Care and Counseling at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Affiliate Professor at McCormick Theological Seminary and San Francisco Theological Seminary

Professor Schipani is an ordained minister in Mennonite Church USA, he also serves as a psychotherapist and pastoral counselor (volunteer) at a local community health center for economically vulnerable care receivers, especially immigrants from Latin America. His academic work includes clinical supervision of students in chaplaincy, and pastoral and spiritual counseling. Schipani’s research and teaching interests include formation and transformation processes and intercultural and interfaith pastoral care and counseling. He is the author or editor of twenty-seven books on pastoral counseling, education, and practical and pastoral theology. His texts in education include, Religious Education Encounters Liberation Theology, Teología del Ministerio Educativo, Educación, libertad y Creatividad: Encuentro y Diálogo con Paulo Freire, and Paulo Freire, Educador Cristiano. Books on pastoral and spiritual care include The Way of Wisdom in Pastoral CounselingSpiritual Caregiving in the Hospital: Windows to Chaplaincy MinistryInterfaith Spiritual Care: Understandings and Practices; Nuevos Caminos en Psicología PastoralMultifaith Views in Spiritual Care and Manual de Psicología Pastoral

Who is Paulo Freire?

Paulo Freire

Paulo Reglus Neves Freire was born in Recife- Brazil, on September 19, 1921. He died on May 2, 1997 in São Paulo leaving an academic legacy as a public and social intellectual who cared deeply “for the oppressed” and “the wretched of the earth.”

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What is a Cathedra (Cátedra)?

The Latin word cathedra (which originates from the Greek word for “seat”) refers to a particular discipline that an outstanding professor teaches within an educational institution.

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