The word of God is inviting me to re-create the world, not for my brothers’ domination, but for their liberation. . . . Listening to the word of God does not mean acting like empty vessels waiting to be filled with that word. . . . That is why I insist that a utopian and prophetic theology leads naturally to a cultural action for liberation and hence to conscientization. (Freire 1972)
In the light of the current global context of fundamentalisms and the rise of totalitarian regimes, the Cátedra Paulo Freire 2019 Conference will bring into dialogue the Pedagogy of Liberation and the Theology of Liberation to uncover the bonds that can still hold us together in hope and responsibility. Both are counter-narratives that emerged within the dramatic and plural universe of the poor and marginalized, fostering a critical, liberating, and relentless view of the world to address the urgencies of our times. Join us in conversation with leading scholars in their fields!